Equivalent indicative study

Document prepared by CENACE that is carried out, at the request of the applicant during the interconnection process in the planning mode, to preliminarily determine the interconnection and reinforcement works as well as the estimated date of operation of the projects and incorporate them into the expansion and modernization programs of the National Transmission Network (RNT-"Red Nacional de Transmisión") and the General Distribution Networks (RGD-"Red General de Distribución").

AEE - Analysis in stable state

Calculation of the operating conditions of the behavior of the national electrical system (SEN"Sistema Eléctrico Nacional") in the generation of active and reactive power, active and reactive power flows in the electrical network, angular openings, voltage profiles, etc., with all the elements of the electrical network in service with application of n-1 contingencies for different generation dispatches to identify overloads and reliability risks.