Indicative study

Document prepared by CENACE to determine in a preliminary way the specific characteristics of the infrastructure required for the interconnection of power plants. For power plants, it will be done to meet the minimum interconnection criteria and, at the request of the applicant, the criteria to guarantee the availability of physical delivery or both.

AEE - Analysis in stable state

Calculation of the operating conditions of the behavior of the national electrical system (SEN - "Sistema Eléctrico Nacional") in the generation of active and reactive power, active and reactive power flows in the electrical network, angular openings, voltage profiles, etc., with all the elements of the electrical network in service with application of n-1 contingencies for different generation dispatches to identify overloads and reliability risks.
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
Detailed single-line diagram of the Power Plant. A
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
General information of the wind turbines to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
General information of the panels to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Design information of the solar panels to be installed in the Power Plant. A
(A) Minimum information required.
(B) Information required for the impact study.
(C) The technical information of the transmission line for the interconnection is required once the point of interconnection in the indicative study is defined by the CENACE, for the realization of the studies the most direct distances from the power station will be taken to the point of interconnection.
