Impact study

Document prepared by CENACE to determine the specific characteristics of the infrastructure required for the interconnection of power stations or load center connection to meet the minimum interconnection criterion and, at the request of the applicant, the criterion to guarantee the availability of physical delivery or both.

AEE - Analysis in stable state

Calculation of the operating conditions of the behavior of the national electrical system in the generation of active and reactive power, active and reactive power flows in the electrical network, angular openings, voltage profiles, etc., with all the elements of the electrical network in service with application of n-1 contingencies for different generation dispatches to identify overloads and reliability risks.
ET - Transient stability analysis

It will understand the behavior of the electrical system, by the integration of the power station or the load center under study, to verify the angular and voltage behavior in the first oscillation, interactions of protection schemes with power oscillations, dynamic deviations of the frequency, damping of oscillations and in general the stability level of the SEN.
CE - Coordination of schemes

CENACE carries out the necessary studies to determine the adjustments that are required for the correct coordination of the Remedial Action Schemes (EAR - "Esquema de Acción Remedial") and System Protection Scheme (EPS - "Esquema de Protección del Sistema" ) that are implemented and could be affected by the interconnection effect of a power station or before the connection of a load center.
ACE - Analysis of the quality of energy

Quality Analysis of the Energy Service (ACSE - "Análisis de Calidad del Servicio de la Energía" ): Evaluation of the quality of the electric power influenced by the harmonic content of current and voltage, voltage variations and flicker rates, depressions or sags, overvoltages ( swells), voltage and current imbalances, etc., by the connection of high-capacity non-linear loads, such as fluctuating loads (electric arc furnaces, continuous arc welding machines, continuous saws, etc.), impulsive and intermittent loads (motors of induction, large cranes, punching machines, etc.). distorting loads (induction furnaces, electrolytic tanks, large frequency variators, etc.) and the interconnection of power plants of renewable, fluctuating, intermittent and distributed generation.
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
Detailed single-line diagram of the Power Plant. A
General information of the Power Plant Units installed in the Power Plant. A
Technical information of the transformers to be installed in the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.2.9). B
Operational information of the Power Plant Units to be installed in the Power Plant (Annex IV, sections IV.2.1, IV.2.5, IV.2.12). B
Technical information for the modeling of the Power Plant Units (Annex IV, sections IV.2.2, IV.2.3, IV.2.4, IV.2.12). B
Operating curves of the Power Plant Units (Annex IV, section IV.2.5). B
Technical information of the speed regulator of the Power Plant Units (Annex IV, section IV.2.7). B
Technical information of the excitation system of the Power Plant Units (Annex IV, section IV.2.6). B
Technical information of the power stabilizer of the Power Plant Units (Annex IV, section IV.2.8). B
Technical information on the compensation elements (Annex IV, section IV.2.5). B
General information for the supply of own Services of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.2.10). B
Generic or user models that represent the characteristics of the generators and their controls (Annex IV, sections IV.2.6, IV.2.7, IV.2.8). B
For the case of Cogeneration Power Plants, include the monthly hourly floor factor. B
For the case of biomass or biogas power plants, include: Monthly energy MWh/h estimated to be produced, Monthly production time profile MWh/h. B
For the case of Isolated Supply Electric Power Plants, include hourly injection or consumption profiles MW/h. B
In the case of Hydraulic Power Plants (Annex IV, section IV.3) include:
-Design data of the Power Plant (height, length of the pipe, diameter of the pipe, flow at full load),
-Type of turbine and speed in RPM,
-Monthly energy MWh/h estimated to produce (summer and winter season) and,
-For power plants of water edge, include the monthly production time profile MWh/h.
Technical information of the transmission line for Interconnection (Annex IV, section IV.2.11). C
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
Detailed single-line diagram of the Wind Power Plant. A
General information of the wind turbines to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Design information of the wind turbines to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Technical information of the medium voltage collector system (Annex IV, section IV.4.1). B
Technical Information of the Transformers of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.4.3). B
Operational information of the generators of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Technical information for the modeling of wind turbines (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Technical information on wind turbine controls (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Wind turbine operation curves (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Technical information on the compensation elements (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Own services of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.4.4). B
Energy quality data (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Gross energy in MWh/h estimated to produce. B
The hourly profile of monthly production MWh/h (5-minutes measurements). B
5-minutes measurements of wind speed during one year in m/s. For the isolated systems Baja California, Baja California Sur and Mulegé, the wind speed should be measured every 5-minutes for one year in m/s. B
The average monthly time profile m/s. B
The monthly average hourly profile of wind density. B
Models that represent the characteristics of the controller of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.4.2). B
Technical information of the transmission line for Interconnection (Annex IV, section IV.4.1). C
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Power Plant (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
Detailed single-line diagram of the photovoltaic power plant. A
General information of the panels to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Design information of the solar panels to be installed in the Power Plant. A
Technical information of the medium voltage collector system (Annex IV, section IV.5.1). B
Technical information of the transformers to be installed in the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.3). B
General information of the investors to be installed in the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Technical information for the modeling of the photovoltaic power plant (Annex IV, section IV.5). B
Technical information on the controls of the photovoltaic power plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Operating curves of the photovoltaic power plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Technical information on the compensation elements (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Own services of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.4). B
Energy quality data (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Gross energy in MWh/h estimated to be produced monthly. B
The hourly profile of monthly production MWh/h with and without follower. B
Horizontal and diffuse solar radiation horizontal in W/m2. For the isolated systems of Baja California, Baja California Sur and Mulegé, the horizontal and diffuse solar irradiation horizontal in W/m2 should be measured every 5-minutes in one year. B
The monthly time profile for a sunny, cloudy and partly cloudy day in kW and W/m2. B
The time profile of the average monthly room temperature of the site. B
Models that represent the characteristics of the controller of the Power Plant (Annex IV, section IV.5.2). B
Technical information of the transmission line for interconnection (Annex IV, section IV.5.1). C
(A) Minimum information required.
(B) Information required for the impact study.
(C) The technical information of the transmission line for the interconnection is required once the point of interconnection in the indicative study is defined by the CENACE, for the realization of the studies the most direct distances from the power station will be taken to the point of interconnection.
