What is SIASIC?

Service System for Interconnection and Connection Requests (SIASIC - "Sistema de Atención a Solicitudes de Interconexión y Conexión").

Interconnection and Connection

"The following questions are of a merely informative and guidance nature. It does not imply responsibility for its content and/or veracity, likewise, under no circumstances may the National Center for Energy Control (CENACE - "Centro Nacional de Control de Energía") be responsible to third parties for the decisions taken with the information presented."


To carry out the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers, CENACE is obliged to define the characteristics of the infrastructure required to carry out the Interconnection or Connection at the request of the representative of the Power Plant or the Load Center. The above in accordance with article 33, fraction of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE - Ley de la Industria Eléctrica). Complying with the provisions of the LIE, in order to meet the requests referred in a timely and transparent manner, based on the provisions of the "Manual for the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers" (Manual - "Manual para la Interconexión de Centrales Eléctricas y Conexión de Centros de Carga"), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF - "Diario Oficial de la Federación") on February 9, 2018.

To whom does the Manual apply?

The Manual describes the necessary process for the Interconnection of Power Plants for each of the following cases:

  1. New Power Plants with a Net Installed Capacity equal to or greater than 0.5 MW that need to be interconnected to the National Transmission Network (RNT - "Red Nacional de Transmisión") and the General Distribution Networks (RGD - "Red General de Distribución"), whether or not they correspond to the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM -"Mercado Electrico Mayorista") and whether or not they require Infrastructure in the RNT and the RGD of the MEM;
  2. Existing Power Plants with increases in Installed Capacity, including Repowering Projects of Units that integrate a Power Plant and that are interconnected to the National Transmission Network and to the General Distribution Networks;
  3. Existing Power Plants with Change of Interconnection Point,
  4. New or existing Electric Power Plants in Isolated Supply that require interconnection to the National Transmission Network and the General Distribution Networks of the Wholesale Electricity Market and require infrastructure to deliver their surplus electric power.
And the necessary process for the Connection of Load Centers for each of the following cases:

  1. New Load Centers with a Contracted Load equal to or greater than 1 MW or new Load Centers with a Contracted Load equal to or less than 1 MW, that require connection to the RNT and the RGD, whether they correspond or not to the MEM and whether or not they require Infrastructure in the National Transmission Network and in the corresponding General Distribution Networks of the Wholesale Electricity Market;
  2. Existing Load Centers with increases in the Contracted Load and that are interconnected to the National Transmission Network and the General Distribution Networks;
  3. Existing Load Centers requesting change of Connection Point, and
  4. Load Centers in Isolated Supply that require Infrastructure to connect to the National Transmission Network and to the General Distribution Networks of the Wholesale Electricity Market.

The Manual talks about Interconnection and Connection study, what do they refer to?

The Interconnection or Connection Studies consist of a set of analyzes carried out by CENACE, whose purpose is to determine the requirements to carry out the Interconnection or Connection, as well as the needs for improvement or Reinforcements to the RNT or the RGD, to ensure compliance with the Reliability Standards and Market Operational Provisions. These Studies are; Indicative, Impact, Facilities, Quality of Energy Service, Validation and Impact Quick Version.

For more information, visit:


Do the studies have a cost?

Yes, from Table No I-1 to Table I-5 of the Manual , the Total of Business Days is presented and the costs that must be covered by the Applicant for each of the Studies that are required to be carried out by CENACE ( Indicative, Impact, Impact on the System Quick Version, Quality of the Energy Service, Facilities and validation) for requests for Interconnection, Increase of Capacity or Modification of the Interconnection Point of an existing Power Plant.

It should be noted that the costs are associated with the capacity of the Power Plant, as well as the Study to be carried out. These costs must be covered at the time of the application for each of the studies and do not include VAT (IVA).

Table I-1 Costs and Times for conducting Interconnection Studies of Power Plants in the individual modality.

How long do I get a response to my request for my study?

The times vary depending on the capacity of the Power Plant and for each of the Studies that are required to be carried out by CENACE (Indicative, Impact, Impact on the Quick Version System and Facilities). The times for the attention of the requests are in Chapter 13, Table 8 of the Manual, authorized by the CRE and published on the CENACE website.

How do I make the request?

The requests are made through the System of Attention to Requests for Interconnection and Connection (SIASIC) of CENACE.

To have access to the SIASIC you must register, for which you only need to have an email.

Once my application is sent electronically, does it begin to address my Study request?

No, in order to begin with the completion of the requested Study, first, CENACE must accept the request. In order for the application to be accepted, a detailed review of the request is made within the next 20 working days after the request is sent, if the request complies with the request is accepted, it notifies the applicant and proceeds to the execution of the corresponding Study. Otherwise, the request is not fulfilled and the cause of the non-compliance is notified to the applicant, so that it may correct the request within a maximum period of 20 working days after the breach. Again the CENACE reviews the request within 10 working days, in case the applicant has adequately remedied the non-compliance is Accepted, Notifies the applicant and proceeds with the corresponding Study. In case that the requirements are not met, it is discarded and the request is not answered.

If the request is rejected, what happens with the money paid for the Study? Can I use it for a new application?

All payment amounts of discarded requests are reimbursed to the applicant in full at the request of the same. To do this, the applicant must request it by signing a free format written document ratifying the bank details for reimbursement. Not it's possible to use this payment on account to make a new request.

Once accepted, how do I know when the study has already been carried out?

The CENACE will notify to the legal representative via email (to the account registered in the SIASIC) that the request has been answered and the availability of the Study for its delivery.

For the delivery of the results of the Studies it is necessary to present the following documentation:

  • Copy of Official Identification "INE or IFE" (both sides),
  • Letter of authorization or power of attorney signed by the Legal Representative (This in case the Legal Representative does not pick up the study)

Do the Studies have any validity?

Yes, according to the Manual , the following Study must be requested within a period of no more than 20 business days, otherwise the Studies carried out will become invalid.

I finished with all the studies. What's next?

In the next step, if the applicant decides to continue with the Interconnection or Connection process, must make the request for signing the contract through the SIASIC system, presenting the following documentation:

  • Indicative Study, Impact or Impact Quick Version or Quality Analysis of the Energy Service and Current Installations,
  • Letter of acceptance of the results of the Studies, according to Annex III of the Manual,
  • Permit granted by the CRE in the modality requested (this requirement only applies for Interconnection Contract),
  • Documents that certify the legal existence of the applicant,
  • Document proving the faculties of the legal representatives or attorneys of the applicant,
  • Current official identification,
  • Proof of address,
  • RFC,
  • Detailed work plan for the construction of works,
  • Documents that certify the legitimate property of the property,
  • Original of the documents that certify the valid financial instruments for the obligations of the Financial Guarantees.

It is worth mentioning that CENACE will not participate in the signing of the Interconnection Contract, it only instructs the Carrier or distributor to formalize it.

Request for Interconnection Contract for Power Plants

To carry out the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers, CENACE is obliged to define the characteristics of the infrastructure required to carry out the Interconnection or Connection at the request of the legal representative of the Power Plant or the Load Center . The foregoing in accordance with article 33 of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE).
Complying with the provisions of the LIE, in order to meet the requests referred in a timely and transparent manner, based on the provisions of the "Manual for the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers" (Manual), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on February 9, 2018.

When should I request the Interconnection Contract?

If the applicant decides to proceed with the construction of the necessary works for the interconnection or connection, and the reinforcements in the RNT or in the RGD, it will have thirty working days , counted from the delivery of the final report of the Facilities Study, to formalize the Interconnection Contract with the Carrier or Distributor, in accordance with the terms and conditions for the provision of the services approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE - "Comisión Reguladora de Energía"), taking into account the following:

  1. The Applicant and the Carrier or Distributor shall use the "Interconnection Contract" forms published by the Carrier or Distributor and approved by the CRE.
  2. For the formalization of the Interconnection Contract, it is required to have completed all the Interconnection Studies.

Where do I apply for the Interconnection Contract?

To request the Interconnection Contract, you must do it through the System of Attention to Interconnection and Connection Requests (SIASIC) that can be found on the CENACE website.

Who can make the request?

The legal representative of the company must make the application.

What information do I need to make a request for an Interconnection Contract?

It is a requirement for the signing of the Interconnection Contract that the legal representative submit to CENACE the following documentation:

  • Indicative Study, Impact or Impact Quick Version or Quality Analysis of the Energy Service and Current Installations
  • Letter of acceptance of the results of the Studies, according to Annex III of the Manual
  • Permit granted by the CRE in the modality requested (this requirement only applies for Interconnection Contract)
  • Documents that certify the legal existence of the applicant
  • Document proving the faculties of the legal representatives or attorneys of the applicant
  • Current official identification
  • Proof of address
  • RFC
  • Detailed workplan for the construction of works
  • Documents that certify the legitimate property of the farm
  • Original of the documents that certify the valid financial instruments for the obligations of the Financial Guarantees

The Interconnection of the Power Plant will not be allowed if it does not have the respective Interconnection Contract, duly formalized and the communication from the Carrier or Distributor that the technical and contractual requirements have been met by the parties involved.

CENACE will not participate in the signing of the interconnection contract.

How do I attach the information?

Through the SIASIC platform, filling out the corresponding form and attaching the digital format documentation.

Does it have a cost?

No, the request for an Interconnection Contract has no cost.

Impact Study Request for Power Plants

To carry out the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers, CENACE is obliged to define the characteristics of the infrastructure required to carry out the Interconnection or Connection at the request of the legal representative of the Power Plant or the Load Center. The foregoing in accordance with article 33 of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE).
Complying with the provisions of the LIE, in order to meet the requests referred in a timely and transparent manner, based on the provisions of the "Manual for the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers" (Manual) , published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on February 9, 2018.

What is an Impact Study?

The purpose of the Impact Study is to evaluate in a detailed manner the impact that the National Electric System (SEN - "Sistema Eléctrico Nacional") has when a Power Plant is interconnected with a capacity greater than 10 MW. For these effects, both the Stable State Studies and the Transient Stability Studies (Angular and Voltage) under Normal conditions and contingencies will be carried out, in order to determine the infrastructure requirements for the Interconnection and the Reinforcements or modifications in the National Transmission Network and/or the General Distribution Networks that are required to ensure that the Reliability Standards and Operational Regulations are complied with at all times, without limitations of the power output of the Power Plant under normal conditions.

To be able to carry out this study, it is necessary to previously request the Indicative Study.

Where do I make the Impact Study request?

To request an Impact Study, you must do it through the System of Attention to Interconnection and Connection Requests (SIASIC) that can be found on the CENACE website.

Who can make the request?

The legal representative of the company must make the request.

What information do I need to make a request for an Impact Study?

The information of the company, as well as that of the Power Plant project, is already captured from the moment the Impact Study was requested; so you should only enter the following information requested by the SIASIC platform to complete the Impact Study request.

  • Constitutive Act
  • Power of attorney
  • Proof of payment
  • Indicative study
  • Annex 4 (Technical information required to carry out studies for Power Plants), which you can consult in the Manual.

How do I attach the information?

Through the SIASIC platform, filling out the corresponding form and attaching the digital format documentation.

Does it have a cost?

Yes, and this depends on the capacity of the Power Plant which must be covered at the time of making the Request.

Table No.I.1 of the Manual presents the costs for conducting the individual studies for the interconnection of power plants and the associated costs. It should be noted that these costs do not include VAT (IVA).

In what time do they give me the study?

The time varies depending on the capacity of the Power Plant project. The times for the attention of the Impact Study Request can be found in Chapter 13, Table 8 of the Manual.

Is the Study valid?

Yes, you have 20 working days from the delivery of the response office of the Impact Study to request the next study (Facilities), otherwise the Study will be lost; in accordance with what is indicated in Table 10 of numeral 13.3.1 of the Manual.

Facilities Study Request for Power Plants

To carry out the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers, CENACE is obliged to define the characteristics of the infrastructure required to carry out the Interconnection or Connection at the request of the legal representative of the Power Plant or the Load Center. The foregoing in accordance with article 33 of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE).
Complying with the provisions of the LIE, in order to meet the requests referred in a timely and transparent manner, based on the provisions of the "Manual for the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers" (Manual), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on February 9, 2018.

What is an Facilities Study?

The purpose of the Facilities Study is to document the amount, characteristics of the Elements and Equipment, as well as the estimated costs to carry out the Interconnection works, as well as the reinforcements required in the National Transmission Network by CENACE and/or the General Distribution Networks.

To be able to carry out this study, it is required to previously request the System Impact Study.

Where do I make the Impact Study request?

To request a Study of Facilities, you must do it through the System of Attention to Requests for Interconnection and Connection (SIASIC) that can be found on the CENACE website.

Who can make the request?

The legal representative of the company must make the request.

What information do I need to make a Facilities Study request?

The information of the company, as well as that of the Power Plant project, is already captured from the moment the Impact Study was requested; so you should only enter the following information requested by the SIASIC platform to complete the Facility Study request.

  • Constitutive Act,
  • Power of attorney,
  • Proof of payment, and
  • Impact Study.

How do I attach the information?

Through the SIASIC platform, filling out the corresponding form and attaching the digital format documentation.

Does it have a cost?

Yes, and this depends on the capacity of the Power Plant which must be covered at the time of making the Request.

Table No.I.1 of the Manual presents the costs for conducting the individual studies for the interconnection of power plants and the associated costs. It should be noted that these costs do not include VAT (IVA).

In what time do they give me the study?

The time varies depending on the capacity of the Power Plant project. The times for the attention of the Facilities Study Request can be found in Chapter 13, Table 8 of the Manual.

Is the Study valid?

Yes, there will be 30 working days from the delivery of the response office of the Facilities Study to request the conclusion of the Interconnection Contract, otherwise the Study will be lost; in accordance with what is indicated in Table 10 of numeral 13.3.1 of the Manual.

Indicative Study Request for Power Plants

To carry out the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers, CENACE is obliged to define the characteristics of the infrastructure required to carry out the Interconnection or Connection at the request of the legal representative of the Power Plant or the Load Center . The foregoing in accordance with article 33 of the Electricity Industry Law.
Complying with the provisions of the LIE, in order to meet the requests referred in a timely and transparent manner, based on the provisions of the "Manual for the Interconnection of Power Plants and Connection of Load Centers" (Manual), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on February 9, 2018.

What is an Indicative Study?

The main objective of the Indicative Study is to provide feedback to the Applicant so that it evaluates the feasibility of its project and decides to continue with the process, in the Individual mode or if it changes to be part of the Process for the Planning of the National Electric System, since this study preliminarily analyzes the impact that the SEN has when the Power Plant is interconnected under study.

Where do I apply for an Indicative Study?

To request an Indicative Study, you must do it through the System of Attention to Interconnection and Connection Requests SIASIC that can be found on the CENACE website.

To have access to the SIASIC you must register, for which you only need to have an email.

Who can make the request?

The legal representative of the company must make the request.

What information do I need to make an Indicative Study request?

  • The business social reason,
  • Tax domicile of the Company,
  • Company charter,
  • Power of attorney,
  • Proof of payment,
  • Billing information,
  • Return data,
  • Project location,
  • Geodetic coordinates (polygon) of the project,
  • Address of the project location,
  • Coordinates of the Electrical Substation of the project,
  • Desired Interconnection Point,
  • Date of entry into operation
  • Project technology, and
  • Project generation capacity.

How do I attach the information?

Through the SIASIC platform, filling out the corresponding form and attaching the digital format documentation.

Does it have a cost?

Yes, and this depends on the capacity of the Power Plant which must be covered at the time of making the Request.

Table No.I.1 of the Manual presents the costs for conducting the individual studies for the interconnection of power plants and the associated costs. It should be noted that these costs do not include VAT (IVA).

In what time do they give me the study?

The time varies depending on the capacity of the Power Plant project. The times for the attention of the Indicative Study Request can be found in Chapter 13, Table 8 of the Manual.

Is the Study valid?

Yes, there will be 20 working days from the delivery of the answering service of the indicative study to request the next study (Impact), otherwise the Study will be lost; in accordance with what is indicated in Table 10 of numeral 13.3.1 of the Manual.
