Analysis of the quality of the energy service (ACSE)

Evaluation of the quality of the electrical energy influenced by the harmonic content of current and voltage, voltage variations and flicker rates, depressions or sags, swells, voltage and current imbalances, etc. by the connection of high-capacity non-linear loads, such as fluctuating loads (electric arc furnaces, continuous arc welding machines, continuous saws, etc.), impulsive and intermittent loads (induction motors, large cranes, punching machines, etc.). distorting loads (induction furnaces, electrolytic tanks, large frequency variators, etc.) and the interconnection of power plants of renewable, fluctuating, intermittent and distributed generation.

AEE - Analysis in stable state

Calculation of the operating conditions of the behavior of the national electrical system (SEN - "Sistema Eléctrico Nacional") in the generation of active and reactive power, active and reactive power flows in the electrical network, angular openings, voltage profiles, etc., with all the elements of the electrical network in service with application of n-1 contingencies for different generation dispatches to identify overloads and reliability risks.
ET - Transient stability analysis

It will understand the behavior of the electrical system, by the integration of the power station or the load center under study, to verify the angular and voltage behavior in the first oscillation, interactions of protection schemes with power oscillations, dynamic deviations of the frequency, damping of oscillations and in general the stability level of the SEN.
CE - Coordination of schemes

CENACE carries out the necessary studies to determine the adjustments that are required for the correct coordination of the Remedial Action Schemes (EAR - "Esquemas de Acción Remedial") and System Protection Scheme (EPS - "Esquema de Protección de Sistema") that are implemented and could be affected by the interconnection effect of a power station or before the connection of a load center.
ACE - Analysis of the quality of energy

Quality Analysis of the Energy Service (ACSE - "Análisis de la Calidad del Servicio de Energía"): Evaluation of the quality of the electric power influenced by the harmonic content of current and voltage, voltage variations and flicker rates, depressions or sags, overvoltages ( swells), voltage and current imbalances, etc., by the connection of high-capacity non-linear loads, such as fluctuating loads (electric arc furnaces, continuous arc welding machines, continuous saws, etc.), impulsive and intermittent loads (motors of induction, large cranes, punching machines, etc.). distorting loads (induction furnaces, electrolytic tanks, large frequency variators, etc.) and the interconnection of power plants of renewable, fluctuating, intermittent and distributed generation.
Geographic diagram (s) with the location of the Load Center (include geodetic coordinates). A
Simplified single line diagram (basic equipment information). A
Detailed single-line diagram of the Load Center. A
Technical information of the internal branches (Annex IV, section IV.9.3). B
Technical information of the transformers to be installed in the Load Center (Annex IV, section IV.9.2). B
Technical information on the compensation elements (fixed and dynamic) (Annex IV, section IV.9.3). B
General characteristics of the Load Center. A
Information on energy quality (Annex IV, section IV.9.10). B
Graphical behavior of the expected demand in MW and MVAr per work cycle for typical days (Business Day, weekend) for spring, summer, autumn and winter. B
For Load Centers with induction motors, provide the characteristics of each of them, as well as the generic or user models that represent their behavior (the applicable ones indicated in annex IV, sections: IV.9.4, IV.9.5, IV .9.6, IV.9.7, IV.9.8, IV.9.9). B
For non-linear Load Centers, provide the characteristics of each of them, as well as the generic or user models that represent their behavior. (the applicable ones indicated in the annex IV, sections: IV.9.4, IV.9.5, IV.9.6, IV.9.7, IV.9.8, IV.9.9). B
In non-linear Load Centers, provide the characteristics of the filters that are intended to be installed to absorb the harmonic distortion (the applicable ones indicated in Annex IV, sections: IV.9.4, IV.9.5, IV.9.6, IV.9.7, IV.9.8, IV.9.9). B
Technical information of the transmission line for the Connection (Annex IV, section IV.9.1). C
(A) Minimum information required.
(B) Information required for the impact study.
(C) The technical information of the transmission line for the Interconnection is required once the Connection Point in the Indicative Study is defined by the CENACE, for the realization of the Studies the most direct distances will be taken from the Center of Load to the Connection Point.
